Islands of Texel
Texel is probably one of the best sites in the Netherlands to watch birds. Situated in the northwestern part of the country, this island is visited by thousands of both national and international birders year round. Many rare, and even new birds for the Netherlands, have been found at this magical place.
Besides many rare birds, both spring and autumn migration can be seen really well here. Because of it’s many different habitats Texel offers incredible amounts of waders, songbirds and ducks, raptors and terns that use the island as their breeding area, wintering ground or as a stopover during migration. Incredible amounts of waders use the famous Wadden sea to feed on and with high tide they tend to roost on higher grounds close to shore or even inland.
In spring you can see breeding birds combined with migrants flying over at dawn heading to their breeding grounds in the north. Winter visitors such as geese and different kind of ducks can still be around and quite often rarities are found and can be seen quite well. Fall and winter as well provide really good opportunities to watch birds, with fall being our personal favorite. Hundreds thousands of passerines are starting their migration to the south. Barred warblers, Wrynecks and Dotterels are among the regular rarities in August and September while Yellow-browed Warbler can be seen quite often in October.